Friday, December 11, 2009


January 22 - (6:00 pm - 9:00 pm) • January 23 - (10:00 am - 1:00 pm)
Point Flow Acupuncture
75 Market Street • Suite 2 • Elgin, IL 60123
847-769-7495 or 630-244-1732

Angel Light Initiation (Walk With The Angels) Angels are higher vibrational consciousness (divine celestial beings)
who have never existed on the Earth Plane in human form.They do not have karma or harbor low vibrational negative
emotions connected to the earthly planes. They are friends who bare gifts of pure light and love.The Initiation includes
a preparation exercise, a simple Invocation method and Attunement.

Colors of Angels
offers 7 connections with 7 Archangels and their respective Rays. These 7 connections are offered in
one initiation that will connect you to each Archangel and you will then be able to call upon any or all of these
Archangels whenever you wish. Angels never leave or ignore you and will listen to you whatever the time of day or night.
You will receive a workbook, a deck of angel cards and a certificate of completion.
The Workshop Includes:

Angel Numbers - Numbers are a wonderful way for our angels and guides in our life to communicate with us.
They can show up anywhere and in multiple ways.

Sacred Geometry - Geometric shapes mirror specific energy vibration patterns reflecting the universal language
and carrying a specific message.

How To Give An Angel Card Reading
- An Angel Reading simply makes it easier for you to connect to your angels.
The angels are so loving, protective, and giving, and they use various ways to reach out to you. An Angel Card Reading
is definitely one of these ways.

The Cost For The 2 Day Workshop Is $100.00

Sign up Now


Wow lots going on my multiple reality. Well on this planet I am now a reiki master and angel Practitioner and have done a intensive energy healing . this has helped to keep me grounded and starting to fine a purpose in this life. In my other reality we are getting ready to the shift. I have been taking that information and using my energy healing to help prepare people for the shift