Saturday, March 28, 2009

Create our own Sacred Geometry mandala

I found Charles Glichrist and he has some good info on Sacred Geometry. He has some printouts for blank images for you to color your self to connect with the Sacred Geometry. So of course I did so and I got my two little girles ages of 5 and 3 to color with me.
Here is a like so you can get your own images
___Age 3___________ Theorist _______ Theorist ________Age 5 ___

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More Research for you

I have been looking in to Sacred G and all of its aspects
Here are a few other good site to lean more

Monday, March 16, 2009

25 Sacred G

Well now I have 25 Sacred G Transcedance under my bed. I am feeling more energy and starting to get out our of this little funk I was in but according to my Biorhythems I am at a emotional low and in the past the biorhythms were aligned in what I was feeling. I am going to print out some more for tonight.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Now using 10 Sacred G images

Last night I was on the wish for love community and talked with many wonderful people. One person I connected with said she started off with printing out 300 of the free activators then move to the love club. I have been sleeping with one activator so I printed out 10 more then my ink ran out . So now I will test 11 activator under my bed and report back.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Reprogramming Your DNA

I talked with Gail Clound about reprogramming your DNA. I wanted to know what changes in the DNA. She as able to tell me... First if the DNA is not activated it will activate it and make it start to work or if it is hyper active ( on too much ) it will bring it down. They are just starting to do pre and post studies of looking at the DNA to find out where the links are. She also said it can add and change the DNA... So the DNA is physicly changing..... This is azmsing stuff..

I was also on live video chat with Josh they do a really good job and answer questions live check it out it is on Tuesdays and Thursday nights

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Working on the Energy Reality Theory Paper

Sorry it has been taking so long I have been correcting and adding new points to our Energy Reality Theory Paper. I have been exploring how to stay present in this reality and how shifting your frequency can change your reality. I hop to have it up soon for everyone to read.